No beer stop? What are you saying? I won't hear for such blasphemy! I learned if you putt your hot rod around. And keep beer consumption to only one. You are in a good shape. Both $$ and legally. Closing the pub down then attempting to drive a 400+ HP car home will eventually end not well.The cannot get you if you don’t go there.
Those are Nasty.White Castle is still reasonable around 70 cents a burger. Of course you will need at least six!
Not a bad policy at all. But if you do partake? Just make it one. It works for me. If you want some extended pub time? Park your car. And Uber is cheap.I made the choice not to drink when I got my drivers license....... everyone around me were getting dui's and suspensions/surcharges.....I valued my license over everything back then
Not a bad policy at all. But if you do partake? Just make it one. It works for me. If you want some extended pub time? Park your car. And Uber is cheap.
I would sooo love this. At least a robot has a better attention span than a 16 year old. And maybe just maybe the damn robot can get the order right.When the 'powers that be' decided that working at a fast food joint was a career and not just a way for a high-school kid to make some spending money, we were doomed. Now those establishments can't afford to hire said high-schoolers, and said high-schoolers don't seem to want to do any work anyways.
And you wonder why the fast-food establishments are pushing for more automation.
Or maybe you should go back and read it again where I say Texas Roadhouse and my favorite Mexican restaurants are STILL charging $10-15. That's what I'm getting at, how are these fast food places charging so much more for **** food while the nice sit in restaurants serving quality food are staying level. I'm sure not all states are equal and aren't seeing the same thing? I live in farm country, fresh meat and vegetables are plentiful so maybe that's where it's at? I just find it strange.I don't eat that crap so I can't comment, except. If you haven't noticed, everything's on the up & up, maybe you should get out more and look at the prices of everything!!!!!! There a new term for that but that would turn this Political, but it's called XXXinflation!
Exactly what I'm saying^^^ I'm not talking about inflation across the board, just the fact that fast food caught up to dine in restaurants.I agree. McDonald's is now closer to Applebee's prices? And Applebee's burger is far better. And I can get a beer! But they're beer prices are a little high. So I guess they will get you one way or another?
Think over this statement. They sell it for one dollar. What does that say about the ingredients? Should a human be eating this slop?The Taco Bell value menu has some decent items for $1 the cheesy rice bean burrito . And I think they have a cheesy beef for $1.
Think over this statement. They sell it for one dollar. What does that say about the ingredients? Should a human be eating this slop?
Agreed. I used to like Taco Bell but anymore I don't like any fast food, yes I can tolerate it in a pinch but definitely don't seek it out. Chipotle on the other is awesome, fortunately with them growing it's our go to place while on the road.Think over this statement. They sell it for one dollar. What does that say about the ingredients? Should a human be eating this slop?
Bingo!How else can they pay them $15/hour but to pass that cost on to the patrons
brawl surcharge?