Funny you shold say that....Chinese family across the road from me - names of mother & daughter are Alice & Wendy. Straight out of fairy tales. I can never remember which is which, as they all look the same to us 'round-eyes'.All of the waiters ( who barely speak 3 words of English) all have names like Ruth, Betty, Albert, Susanna.... Cracks me up....
that's some sick ****...
Chopsticks are skewers. When there food trys to run for the hills.and the whole chopsticks thing.....lmao.....yeah, it takes a little skill; but the thought of inventing a useful tool like a fork never entered anyone's mind?
This thread title made me shudder in horror....just reading it. I'm off Chinese food for life now.
And people have asked me for years why I have always refused to eat Chinese food. Cause I don't know what's in it!
My wife and I make much better chinese food than can be bought. It has been over 10 years since we got chinese from a restaurant.
If you think the Chinese are the only ones that use strange forms of protein and meats you’re just fooling yourself. It’s only strange because we don’t eat it.