I'm not sure who epse makes those gloveboxes but there's got to be someone. I'll ask Mr. Miagi when he comes by to lend a hand with the steering collumn/dash install.
Oh and here's a slightly better picture of all my under-dash stuff in, got the brake pedal all bolted in and rigged up. Hard to get a decent shot with the lighting but I'm loving the satin black on everything
And I looked around online for discount code but didn't have any luck, just a bunch of expired black friday codes. But with shipping I think I paid like $130 or something for the pair, so not too bad I think and worth it to have such sharp looking correct tips compared to an "off the shelf" muffler shop special haha
Well I finally made an executive decision on my mufflers, and didn't order any lol. Mike has a pair of 3" flowmaster 40's he ended up not using on his hemi roadrunner because of this weird metallic spudder noise it'd get at mid-high rpm. He tried a few different mufflers and they all had the same noise due more to a problem with his engine I think (ended up needing rebuilt). So basically he ended up with these brand new flowmasters, and after hearing this video of Mr Angry I decided I'll give em a shot and report back to you guys with the results. Worst comes to worst I'll just replace em with ultraflows down the road, but with the sound deadening I'll be doing I think they'll be alright.
Crank your speakers, grab a cold one, and enjoy :icon_thumleft:
Also narrowed down my steering wheel decision to a couple of options, what do you guys think?
Or 2?