I’m now finding myself very confused and leary of this situation.
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I went and scoured their website. I see nothing offering higher end camshaft materials to ”endure high levels of abuse”. I’ve never heard of such a thing. I’m already buying a billet steel core camshaft. Perhaps you guys can offer me some education?
I am generally not a guy that tends to yell fire without seeing the flames for myself. Thus far I have felt really good about my dealings with Howards. My bullshit detector would seem to be gently nudging me however, suggesting that perhaps IF they had a few cores set aside as emergency stock for special “high visibility” customers, they may tend to be reluctant to reach for that bin, and would not only be looking to make a little extra coin if they have to dip into emergency stock, but would also have to come up with some story (read b-s) about the process as well(???).
what do you guys think here.