working on the pedal assembly installation . . .
Sorry guys . . . life threw a couple wrenches in the works that I had to deal with. Now that they're done, back to work on the Belvedere ! !
Now that I've got my new pedal assembly ( with my man pedal ) - I've got to figure out how to get it all setup and working in the car. No better time to do that than right now, since there is nothing else in the car to get in my way. Plus it'll give me a little more help on remembering how all these parts are suppose to go back in the car when the time comes . . .
Here's what I've come up with so far . . .
Other side view - mounted in the car . . . you can see the new bracket provided that holds the clutch ( man pedal ) in place . . . needs to bolt to firewall.
The kit provides this firewall bracket to help mount the bracket - but where and how ? ?
In the engine compartment - I noticed (2) little indention - centered in the picture . . .
Except that the picture is causing a little optical illusion - they appear to match up with the bolts . . . drilled them with a 5/16 bit . . .
And the bracket fit in like it was meant to go there ( duh - it was ! )
Perfect fit on the inside as well - hold the bracket in place . . .
First concern - the pedal is about 10" off the floor - that seems a "bit" high . . . not sure why or what I need to do . . . yet . . .
And where does the hydraulic cylinder mount to the firewall ? ? Position 1 or position 2 ? ?
Position 1 - in the engine compartment - can't get it to fit into the hole . . . so . . .
Position 2 must be the proper place to mount it . . . that looks like the original clutch push rod hole . . .
Now, I just have to figure out how to hook up the connecting rods to the cylinder so that it'll actuate everything correctly . . . Not sure how yet . . .
It's starting to come together and make some sense . . .