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Question to you all.....

I thought there was only one race......da hoooman one. God just threw in some color to make things more lively :D
I thought racist was defined as anyone who voted for Trump.
Let’s clarify.
Anyone can be racist against any other race.
In this case, the offender is a white guy, and as such, my reply was written.

Sorry for the confusion.
Hell man, there are blacks who are racist against darker blacks! The whole friggin' thing is stupid. Do what Martin Luther King said "Don't judge a man by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character". I think you will not go far wrong following that advice.
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Hell man, there are blacks who are racist against darker blacks! The whole friggin' thing is stupid. Do what Martin Luther King said "Don't judge a man by the color of his skin, but the content of his character". I think you will not go far wrong following that advice.
Does that mean we can judge them by their use of, aks ?
I know this is not directly related to the OP, but no matter what color or race you are, please stop with the baby daddy and baby momma ****. No matter who is saying it, you sound like an idiot. Not that I am an English teacher or anything, but I let a lot of grammar stuff slide in my personal life and even on this forum simply because I do not want to publicly shame anyone or make anyone feel bad or start a fight. I have a dear friend who uses "seen" wrong all the time as in "I seen this guy walking down the street" we all know it should be "saw", but correcting grammar is not worth a friendship or a fight in my opinion. "Live and let live".
Does that mean we can judge them by their use of, aks ?
I am not a big church goer, but I am basically a Christian. I do my best not to judge anyone, yes I fail at this sometimes. I think all child rapists should be put down. But at this point in my life I am doing my best to follow what the bible says about this "Judge not lest Ye shall be judged." Another old saying to go by is one my Dad told me and I have never forgotten. "Never criticize another Brave until you have walked a mile in his moccasins." That was also good advice. One last old saying to leave you with. "Do not throw stones if you live in a glass house."
Whut ya'll askin us fer? Why not ask someone who's actually Black if you wanna know about Black accents...No Black B-Body owners here you can ask?

My Fathers side of the Family is from a small Island in Maryland...People talk really different there...My Mothers side are from the South and have harder accents than "They" do...I have an accent and use certain phrases because my parents spoke that way...As did my Grandparents...And all my Friends and Family.....Is there any other reason for an accent?

How my Grandparents spoke...

Sooooo...I pretty much only lurk here...But this little snippet of Racism triggered me a bit into leaving my first comment...
See I have a Black trainee...A young man who shows up every day for work and wants to be more than he is now...Who constantly thanks our boss for hiring him and who truly appreciates the training he's receiving...He's got long dreaded hair (which does worry me, as we work with some heavy equipment) and has "that" accent...We do Ironworking and heavy construction in case you're wondering...It's not an office job...He's helping build the world that We/You live in...As fast as he's learning he'll be running a crew himself within a year...He didn't know how to use a drill when he started...Six months later he knows how to use every power tool I own, weld, cut with a torch, follow assembly instructions and diagnose basic problems with high voltage motors and low voltage control wiring...I can send him out with a truck and parts and have him do certain jobs on his own...He was raised by a single mother without a solid father figure to show him anything...He's the same age as my oldest son and he tells me regularly he looks up to me like a Father and tells me how much he appreciates everything I've taught him...We've had honest discussions about Race and what it's like growing up without a Father...What it's like growing up as a little Black boy...
He and my son had the same toys...Liked the same Superheros...Played the same video games, read the same books.......

Anyway...Long story...He's a good man and when I see someone else stacking yet one more card in the deck against him over something so petty as an accent it disgusts me...I'd love to be able to sit a few of the sneaky racists I encounter down with him and let them talk to him for an hour...I bet at the end of that hour they'd regret a lot of the Racist crap they say and think..............If not then I wouldn't feel bad busting their lip...

Here's me and my 1st Charger BTW...

View attachment 629302

And here's my second...

View attachment 629306

Also...I know no one likes a New guy showing up spouting off about morality...Sorry...Kinda...

Thank you Gort,
Yes, I know
I am originally from New England, RI to be exact
I understand this thread is "unravelling" so to speak.
Let me clarify:
"I have an accent"
Do NOT pronounce "R" some time, etc.
I am NOT talking DIALECT here gentlemen.
I am talking about the willful and deliberate act to mispronounce a word.

I say: WATA for water, etc.
But my simple question is: AKS instead of ASK
My biggest concern is, why hasn't a Leader of that community spoken about it?
Quite frankly, if you came into my business and were looking for employment, used that word, I would correct you...
BTW: This is NOT directed against you got, I just think you have a NICE car...
So, I wanted to reply.
I am not a big church goer, but I am basically a Christian. I do my best not to judge anyone, yes I fail at this sometimes. I think all child rapists should be put down. But at this point in my life I am doing my best to follow what the bible says about this "Judge not lest Ye shall be judged." Another old saying to go by is one my Dad told me and I have never forgotten. "Never criticize another Brave until you have walked a mile in his moccasins." That was also good advice. One last old saying to leave you with. "Do not throw stones if you live in a glass house."
And a lot of people practice religion but very few practice Christianity...
Maybe saying ask instead of aks would be seen as selling out or giving in? Maybe this is one way of resisting change to the culture? I see a lot of people making the change to "ask". Over time, I think most people will change. Either way, I say ignore it and move on. It is like dropping your car keys in boiling lava..........let 'em go, cause man......they're gone!!!
I know my English sucks....in school I was too busy thinking about things like playing baseball, riding my bicycle and what kind of a mod I could do to it next. In my later years the thinking and dreaming turned to cars and girls lol
I know my English sucks....in school I was too busy thinking about things like playing baseball, riding my bicycle and what kind of a mod I could do to it next. In my later years the thinking and dreaming turned to cars and girls lol
Glad to see that you have wised up!!!! :lol:
Let's put this into perspective that boils it down to two simple facts...
1. It's the Bastardizing of the spoken and written English language.
2. It's the Dummying down of the populace.
One cannot expect for any reasoning when these two occur. Yes I do have my slips and fails at speaking and reading as well as my writings. But I constantly strive to use English properly without the street, ghetto, lingo that everyone now has embraced. I mean lets even look to this so called music style of RAP. Now if that isn't tribal in and of itself, then hell. I don't know what is? Most it is "ignorance," which is a self induced choice. If it gets to bothering one then try and move above and past it and seek out those that are of like mindedness and can speak and write properly. It's really that simple when one does not understand what another is saying. The only answer is, WWWWWAAAAATTTTT??? Now I am off to the Lyberry to celebrate my Birfday with my Aunty and all my other Peeps...cr8crshr/Tuck:usflag::usflag::usflag:
Sammich instead of sandwich.
Axe instead of ask.

Shi-it Homie, I’ma gonna hop in da ride an slide on down to da crib afta da gig. You dig? Mofo...

Radiator? How do you pronounce it?
I say Ra-d-ator... My cousin from Colorado pronounces it Ray-d-ator
When my granddaughter was little she couldn't pronounce her R's, so a hamburger was ham-bo-ger and turkey was tow-key. That kid was and still is adorable.
Basically you said Blacks cannot be racist. Imo they can be the worst.
What do you mean "can be"? They are the worst!
Tree= three
Boat= both
Da= the
There's tons of others, but I digress. Why do they call it the "liberry instead of library, and Po-lease for the cops, and then there's the am-bull-lance that take their shot up family members away? They just want to remain tribal and not/never leave the planation!
Languages change over time. "Ax" was good enough for Chaucer. Some people just haven't caught up with the rest with this new way of speaking. :)

Photon440 has hit the nail on the head. Having studied linguistics in college and majored in a foreign language, I am not bothered by the way people in different regions and of mixed ethnicity speak. Language is constantly changing due to many things. Foreigners bring different pronunciations to their new language from the physical requirements of speaking their native language ( the shape of their mouth making different sounds, the placement of the tongue, the way their throat opens and closes when speaking). Also, foreigners introduce words from their native language into their conversation while using their new language and if there is a large enough population of those foreigners it becomes common usage. Then there is just slang or the vernacular that eventually gets accepted as common language when it spreads throughout the population. This happens frequently with ethnic groups that use their own vernacular, coming from their own culture, and blending into their new adopted society. Lastly, there is a natural evolution of sounds that change words, such as a previous poster who mentioned g's at the end of a word turning into k's or the g's dropping off altogether leaving the word ending in "n". The bottom line is that the English of today is not the English of 100 years ago and it is definitely not the Queen's English of 500 years ago.

The only ones who speak correctly though, is doze guys from Joisey !!!! :lol:
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