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Road rage study

...and a third is that more often than not, the offender does not get up to speed at anywhere near an appropriate pace for the posted speed...sometimes they do not even reach that speed...ever.
"Appropriate speed" is rather subjective you have to admit and we should trust they are the ones best qualified to make that decision for their state of mind/condition, their vehicle ,and traffic conditions as to their speed, short of blocking traffic.
I am shocked often by the apparent body English of drivers tailgating me when driving I'm the speed limit in the right lane. Their problem with the speed limit does not entitle them to tail gate me, putting both of us and others at risk.
Wake up earlier if it's so important to be in front of me always.
Drive faster or let them by.
Problem solved. You're welcome.

02 score 2 - Copy.jpg
Experience indicates to me on two lanes, the art of passing has been lost today in regards to "let them by", first indication is, initiating a pass from a tailgating position, you can't fix stupid.
I travel I-40 quite a bit (replaced and parallels old route 66). The part I travel is two lanes in each direction, and the only real problems I see are 18 wheelers, doing 63 1/2, (8 1/2 over ca 55mph limit) trying to pass another 18 wheeler, doing 63. Guys doing 75-80,in a 70 zone, in the fast lane, move over for the guys doing 90.
I travel I-40 quite a bit (replaced and parallels old route 66). The part I travel is two lanes in each direction, and the only real problems I see are 18 wheelers, doing 63 1/2, (8 1/2 over ca 55mph limit) trying to pass another 18 wheeler, doing 63. Guys doing 75-80,in a 70 zone, in the fast lane, move over for the guys doing 90.
Understand, that maybe a case of two semi's running hard against their limiters for 11 hrs or simply one semi enters the roadway from an exit or rest stop, and the other is running much faster against his limiter and decides to pass the other slower accelerating semi, unfortunately they both ultimately end up running the same speed side by side strictly by chance, and in the worse case running up a hill, maybe even slowing down depending on the grade, load and HP available, and everybody is waiting to see who will go down the other side faster to resolve the stalemate or is willing back off and not be able to move over since both lanes are now filled with tailgating four wheelers, It sucks for everybody, trust me.
That is a clear display of ego and narcissism.
I travel I-40 quite a bit (replaced and parallels old route 66). The part I travel is two lanes in each direction, and the only real problems I see are 18 wheelers, doing 63 1/2, (8 1/2 over ca 55mph limit) trying to pass another 18 wheeler, doing 63. Guys doing 75-80,in a 70 zone, in the fast lane, move over for the guys doing 90.

I didn't read all these posts , but I drove 2 miles, (each way) to get some lawnmower gas this morning , and ran into 2 idiots , would like to have pumped a few into their car...
Changed my driving habits as leaving middle-age approaching geezer-hood, now arrived. Most being keeping a safe distance from vehicles ahead, something that would piss me off more than anything was being tailgated. Obvious to the dipshit behind I’M just keeping a safe space btw me and vehicle in front of me. If it’s a dump truck, I double the space or more; too many broke windshields and chipped paint, so if ya want to pass, have at it.

My brother a WI State Trooper, retired, one of his pet-peeves was people tailgating, especially truckers. Though I don’t often see too many truckers tailgating; it’s the SUV’s, mini-vans, pickups. When we moved our kid from WI to Miami, rented a sizeable truck chock full of all her stuff. What a bitch it was, simply wanting to keep a safe distance for braking given my concern panic braking. Impossible, that opening was like candy to a kid – a space to conquer, half the time jamming on their brakes after cutting in front cuz well, traffic ahead was going slower. Or the exit just ahead, some dip passed me to cut back in front and hit their brakes to make the exit…look behind, not a car within a ¼ mile.

Being a one-time hot-rodder doing stupid **** I was only lucky to have gotten away with, by more luck than skill, the later part of the work I did was driver safety training, preferred to skip, but servicing captive insureds, with a shitty auto-fleet safety record, got the assignments.

Developed a different training tactic after a couple years. Began the discussion with two questions: “How many here consider yourselves as above-average drivers?” NO surprise, most hands went up.

Next question; what am I going to be able to tell you about driving safety, you already don’t know? Lol, NOTHING! I replied “I completely AGREE, I won’t be able to tell you squat; so what am I doing here?” It set a nice stage, some humor. All I’m going to talk about is the AFTERMATH of accidents some people have endured, that will be so obvious won’t have to mention it. The stuff many don’t think about or know.

I’ve already made this a long post, so will abbreviate. How might you find yourself serving 3-years in prison, where your wife and kids come to see you only on visiting day? Then they go back home and you go back to your cell? I used this example, cuz I know the family. Dad decided to run a red light, t-boning another dad right in the driver’s door killing him instantly.

One more. How about your kid? In this case a sweet daughter who wouldn’t hurt a fly, killing someone else’s dad, 42-years-old, while he was walking across a pedestrian walk, cuz she was busy texting. She was in college then and served 15-months in jail. It was sad as she was so remorseful, an emotional wreck, but well, the wife and kids of the guy she took from them, were seated behind her in the courtroom, in full view of the judge.

No ****, when doing research on this and a few stories from my brother, this actually was scary how one could end up behind bars.
Visited my sister's new house in Rockford a couple weeks ago, it's the wild west, don't know how she does it.
Sheeeit. Rockford is bush league compared to the city. Same type of animals, but 100x more of em.
That is a clear display of ego and narcissism.
not so , I usually drive 3 -7 over , depending , a lot of clowns around here are so impatient , they pass on the wrong side doing 70-90 , you look and start to change lanes and magically thier beside you ...happened 3 times yesterday evening I was speeding at the time too...
The older I get the less RR I experience. I simply don't give a crap what other people do. I'm no longer in a hurry. I have time.
The older I get the less RR I experience. I simply don't give a crap what other people do. I'm no longer in a hurry. I have time.
Getting that way myself , but drive fast enough , no one can accuse me of holding up traffic , still a bunch of jerk asses that want to pass everyone , and think you should kick your cruise control of and pull into the slow lane "even if there is not room to do it .
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