-----How do you have the caltracs adjusted? Preload or none? Instead of lowering the car, crank up the torsion bars and raise the front, this will put more weight on the rear. Then readjust the caltracs. I run zero preload on the bars, the pin just touches the spring on my car. just some suggestions that don't cost any $$$$
Great suggestion on the front ride height NSS, will do that because it is front low, and it makes sense to re-adjust the caltrac preload, as the rear of the car should drop some amount.
I normally run zero preload on my caltracs with me in the seat. The last time out though I did run some pre-load.
The cal tracs went to the upper hole today. It took some clearancing on the spring box so the bolt/nut/ washer wouldn't make contact. A harder hit but less downward force on the cross pin across the leaf. The hole spacing is 2.5" and 4" from the spring eye, so approx 40% less leverage. The rear shocks went another 1.5 notches to full tight now and the front rebound went up 4 notches too. A number of changes, all of which should firm up the rear and keep the weight rearward longer.