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Foods that you tried ONCE but never again...

Its actually worse than that...balut is a fertilized duck embryo. Most Filipinos don't like it (that I've met).
Yep, but many a time when I have chatted with them the first question outta their mouths...Do You Eat Or Like Balut??? I wonder why. I forgot also to mention Kimchi. Any form of it is also a no-go for me. That too will Knock a Buzzard off a SH*T Wagon and the smell is just as bad!!! Yet so many of my AF friends and buds would scarf the stuff down in a New York Minute!!! All this being said, the big thing here is overcoming food aversion which we were taught during Aircrew Survival training. One just has to eat it if they want to survive is all...cr8crshr/Bill :usflag: :usflag: :usflag:
Yep, but many a time when I have chatted with them the first question outta their mouths...Do You Eat Or Like Balut??? I wonder why. I forgot also to mention Kimchi. Any form of it is also a no-go for me. That too will Knock a Buzzard off a SH*T Wagon and the smell is just as bad!!! Yet so many of my AF friends and buds would scarf the stuff down in a New York Minute!!! All this being said, the big thing here is overcoming food aversion which we were taught during Aircrew Survival training. One just has to eat it if they want to survive is all...cr8crshr/Bill :usflag: :usflag: :usflag:
That makes me wonder what part of the chicken is in the local Chinese Chicken fried rice. I keep my cat indoors! :rofl: :rofl:
There are foods that always have to be accompanied by something else to make them palatable.
Broccoli. Spinach. Cauliflower. Cabbage.
Every one of those, for me, has to have something else with it to make it edible.
That makes me wonder what part of the chicken is in the local Chinese Chicken fried rice. I keep my cat indoors! :rofl: :rofl:
chinese food cat.jpg
Oysters. {pukes in mouth a little} it's like a ginormous snot you hocked up and swallowed.
I beg to disagree with you on the oysters Mario. I love them.

Years ago when I worked in the 'car-parking' industry, we were invited out to a Japanese restaurant with the big-wigs for a nice quiet dinner. Well, Ken and I were amazed by the 'chop-chop' of the chef, and thought it hilarious when the big boss mis-timed his catch of the fried egg/rice combo.....all over his thousand-dollar suit jacket. At least he laughed as well.

Ken and I decided to have an oyster eating contest....we had already started the drinking contest....lol. Oysters barely singed on the grille were passed over to us. We managed to get through five dozen before we called it quits....either that or they had run out. As a kid my father used to get cans of freshly shucked oysters from down our South Island when they were in season - I think it was the safest way to transport them. My job was to crumb & fry them up. Loved them as a kid and still to this day.
I'll even eat a few raw from the shell....even though I have been poisoned by them twice in my lifetime. Once was in Scotland....so bad I was that I was crawling on my hands and knees to the bathroom. Four days in bed was pretty bad. I still love oysters. :)
HARD pass for me on the oysters, man!
I must be alone in that I never try to eat anything I know I won't like, eh?
Hard to explain - I just know at this point what I'll like or not.

The lone exception, where I went against my own better judgement in an effort
to help with all the anemia I have from internal bleeding, was to try and choke down
some liver (my mama loved the stuff, so I figured I could hold my nose and get past it).
I figured wrong. That is some nasty ****, right there.
The texture alone is enough to gag on contact.
Kinda lost me on the first two posts. I love kimchi and bangers and mash. Mine would be brains. Makes me gag.
Tragedy has beset New Zealand...... Cadbury's are no longer making chocolate fish. :( :mob:
My brother called me last night with the bad news.

I'm off to a wholesale grocery store to see if I can snag a box if there are any left.


AKiwi classic is disappearing from supermarket shelves. Cadbury has confirmed that its famous Chocolate Fish are coming to an end.

“Bigger size (20g) Chocolate Fish from Cadbury are no longer being distributed,” said Craig Dowling, spokesman for Cadbury, in a statement. “The decision to end their run was made last year, and stock has been depleting since.”

I do a lot of international travel and get to eat things I sure would never order....but most of the time when I get through the initial texture or odd taste I'm ok with it.
But two I will never do again. Goose in China and Abalone in China.
White Castle hamburgers DISAGREE
Skyline Chile AGREE
Sliders - White Castle, Krystals, Little Tavern - love 'em!
Hell, I cook my own at home...

Now, Skyline? Wife and I tried to eat that crap a couple times (had to eliminate the possibility of a bad batch).
Cinammon has no place in chili, damn Cincinnati people! Fowl, nasty stuff....

Coffee. That stuff not be only taste gross, the smell is hideous.
You're half right. One of the mysteries of the world is how coffee can smell so great and yet taste like total ***!!
Rare occasions I've had it (it's on the "not allowed list", causes pain to existing ulcers) I've basically wound up with
a cup of cream and sugar with a little coffee on top. :)

Hawk, interesting how I'm in the same orbit with you on cheese (can do light amount of mild cheese on pizza, but that's my limit,) but raw oysters are my favorite dish, bar none. I once shucked and consumed five dozen during my corporate days. My wife gags at the thought, but my daughter would probably down that many if I'd pay for it.
Oysters - sea snot. HELL to the no!

On the other hand, I like a lot of different cheeses as long as they aren't some of those out in left field
types. My dad loved having a small, simple block of extra sharp cheddar (like they sell in the store)
that he could slice up with his pocket knife and eat with Captains' Wafers.
A simple delight that I continue to this day.
I beg to disagree with you on the oysters Mario. I love them.

Years ago when I worked in the 'car-parking' industry, we were invited out to a Japanese restaurant with the big-wigs for a nice quiet dinner. Well, Ken and I were amazed by the 'chop-chop' of the chef, and thought it hilarious when the big boss mis-timed his catch of the fried egg/rice combo.....all over his thousand-dollar suit jacket. At least he laughed as well.

Ken and I decided to have an oyster eating contest....we had already started the drinking contest....lol. Oysters barely singed on the grille were passed over to us. We managed to get through five dozen before we called it quits....either that or they had run out. As a kid my father used to get cans of freshly shucked oysters from down our South Island when they were in season - I think it was the safest way to transport them. My job was to crumb & fry them up. Loved them as a kid and still to this day.
I'll even eat a few raw from the shell....even though I have been poisoned by them twice in my lifetime. Once was in Scotland....so bad I was that I was crawling on my hands and knees to the bathroom. Four days in bed was pretty bad. I still love oysters. :)
I must clarify my previous statement...I will not yet RAW oysters. Crumb'd up and fried, a big hell yes.
I grew up somewhat poor and mom was sick a lot so dad did the cooking when needed.....hot dog soup anyone?? Canned veggies and cutup hot dogs. I like it but was only about 10 the last time I had that. Mom would make Portuguese soup when she felt good (yeah, I'm 1/2 Portuguese) and I liked that a lot. Raw oysters....nope or any raw stuff from the sea and the same way with steak and that needs to be medium :)
I grew up somewhat poor and mom was sick a lot so dad did the cooking when needed.....hot dog soup anyone?? Canned veggies and cutup hot dogs. I like it but was only about 10 the last time I had that. Mom would make Portuguese soup when she felt good (yeah, I'm 1/2 Portuguese) and I liked that a lot. Raw oysters....nope or any raw stuff from the sea and the same way with steak and that needs to be medium :)
You're half Portugese?? Well, now I see where the fieriness comes from LOL
Somehow, the bald gene skipped Cranky.
Every Portuguese guy I’ve known was bald or heading that way when I knew him.
Worst i ever tried were roasted grasshoppers, eww gross is an understatement. However I'm sure most guys here have eaten an raw oyster and didn't even realize it! lol


Ckessel already mentioned lutefisk, that good ol' Scandinavian dish where they dry fish and soak it in lye...I won't eat that stuff again.

Pretty much any Indian food--I had a few dishes that were okay but then I saw them eating insect larvae and I'm not trusting anything from people that use insect anything in human food..

Okra (my Irish okie granny's rolling over in her grave when I say that---sorry granny!)

Hominy. I hate that stuff. Though I've had plenty of dishes with it, including some great Menudo I won't eat anything with hominy anymore.
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