For those with a weak stomach....turn a way now....
I broke my little toe on Tuesday night while simply walking through my garage wearing only socks. I normally wear my shoes all the time, but since I had plaster on the soles after doing some reno yesterday, I was dropping bits of plaster all over the place. Caught my toe on my Makita canvas tool carry bag, and all I heard was an almighty crack.
Broke the bone diagonally along the entire length. Apparently, I did a great job of it. An immovable object and a large body travelling at speed did it.
Wife drove me to the local A&E Clinic where we spent the following 3 hours in a queue that never seemed to shrink. Had a few X-Rays done, and eventually a local anaesthetic (which took 3 Nurses and my wife holding me down) and once that settled my foot down.....had the last two toes 'buddy-strapped'
Now I'm getting about with a Moon-sandal......makes me look like half a Camel Jockey. Ah well.....slowed me down at work also, since I cannot wear my work boots....or both shoes for now. At least I can still mess around on my truck at home. Looking at up to 6 weeks strapped up now.
When the incident occurred, the toe was sticking out at 90 was pretty ugly until I pushed it back a bit.
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Before treatment ....
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After strapping.....
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