I used to love quarter pounders & I'd order one without pickles so it would be custom made fresh off the grille instead of one that was sitting on the rack made 10-15 minutes ago. The last time I ordered a quarter pounder (without pickles) was about 10 years ago, but when saw the kid in back pull a pre-cooked patty out of a warming drawer, I knew it was going to taste like ****. And it did.
You are absolutely correct - the "modular" method like you describe has not only been the downfall of McD's
"quality" over the last 10-15 years or so, but sadly even some competitors have taken to using the same
setups in their stores as well (Hardees/Carl's, Burger King, etc.).
That gray matter that is supposed to be a hamburger patty is nauseatingly reminiscent of Soylent Green, least
to me...
I go into the kitchens of a LOT of restaurants as part of my gig and I see all the behind-the-scenes crap and
it's sickening.
I was chatting with a McD's manager at one location last year and lamenting the plastic tray/steam/microwave
methods and how I remember when burgers came off the grille fresh to order - so he offered as an experiment
to make me one just like that, with me standing there watching.
With precious little hope in my heart, I agreed...
Out came a reddish sort of pre-made frozen patty out of the freezer (the generic kind you'd recognize in a LOT
more expensive restaurants by the way - look for the "flower petal" edges on the patty. They're all from the
same suppliers).
Slapped down on the griddle, flipped when the timer went off...
Bun toasted per instructions, then the burger was built - and my hopes jumped a little more....
Then I bit into the thing and all hope left the building...fast.
I sheepishly shook my head at the manager and instead of being offended, he gave me a forlorn look,
an acknowledging nod and said "told ya so".
It's sad, what's become of our food supply in this country...