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Foods that you tried ONCE but never again...

It takes all kinds in this world.
I love the smell of coffee but to drink it, I need there to be all sorts of stuff mixed with it. Dad drank it straight black.
I'd like to get a candle that smells like coffee and bacon cooking.
I would go on bird hunting trips years ago with a couple of buddies leave about 3:30am. Drive 150 miles, then hunt all day. Told them to pack lunches. Of course they would run out of coffee then beg for some of mine. I used cream. Finally I started using black, or as Dad would say clear. The next year they brought more of their own cream, sugar coffee. At the end of the hunt I would drive back while they slept. Get home around 1;00am.
What one could do into their 50’s. Good times.
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I grew up somewhat poor and mom was sick a lot so dad did the cooking when needed.....hot dog soup anyone?? Canned veggies and cutup hot dogs. I like it but was only about 10 the last time I had that. Mom would make Portuguese soup when she felt good (yeah, I'm 1/2 Portuguese) and I liked that a lot. Raw oysters....nope or any raw stuff from the sea and the same way with steak and that needs to be medium :)
Been to Portugal a few times. Winged it, fantastic food, people and everything. Didn’t know what pato was until the waitress flapped her arms.
A short time ago, I adopted a philosophy that helps me be more adventurous.
In the past, I’ve hesitated to try new things based on the feeling that I didn’t want to waste time or money on something that I might not like.
My new feeling is that This isn’t the last meal, vacation, car show that I’ll attend so it doesn’t have to be perfect.
Kinda the opposite here - given my somewhat limited timeframe, my attitude has changed to "not gonna
do/eat/go anything/any food/anyplace I don't damn well want to"....given the "finish it up" journey I've
been on, it might well be the last time for this or that, after all.
It's not negative. At all.
Just the opposite, it's sort of freeing.
Now see, I been trying real hard not to ressurect our old friend on some of the nasty food likes:
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All y'all extolling the virtues of sauerkraut done dragged it outta me!
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That's some nasty stuff, right there...*shiver*
This is a tough one most things suggested I actually like.
I would say those mushrooms used in asian cooking. I like mushrooms in general, deep fried button mushrooms for appetizer, portabella caps, etc. But those little cartoon looking mushrooms they put in the asian noodle bowls and whatever are always mushy to the point of almost slimy and taste off some how. I pick them out now.

Okra is not for me.

Ghost pepper. I like spicy stuff. But when it goes into the realm of "burns on your tongue and has no actual flavor" then ya lost me.

Oh yeah, fast food. I used to eat that stuff fairly often when I was like 20. Not in a long time now. Micky-D's smell makes my stomach turn.
Liver, blood sausage, tuna frikin wiggle( maybe a Maine thing but gross) squash and last but not least for this list, peas!
Ckessel already mentioned lutefisk, that good ol' Scandinavian dish where they dry fish and soak it in lye...I won't eat that stuff again.
My family is Swedish, so I grew up exposed to lutefisk. This was an old way of preserving fish for the long winters by drying it, and then reconstituting it with lye, and then lots of water when it was time to eat it. It has become a popular dish especially over the holidays.

For me, I just say NEJ, NOPE, NO, NEIN, etc. I don't like the stuff and wont eat it!

I could change your mind over dinner at my house. :thumbsup:
Let me know what time!!! :drinks:
White Castle hamburgers
Skyline Chile

Only once....never again.
I love fresh okra right off of the stalk so long as it's not longer than 1 1/2". Once it's longer than that, it get tough but under that it's nice and tender.
Coffee. That stuff not be only taste gross, the smell is hideous.
I like the smell of coffee but don't drink it. Just can't wrap my mind around drinking something that's hot when the outside temps is hovering around 95 degrees!
Chipped beef and gravy on toast; otherwise known as SOS.

I had SOS as a child. Never again; I'll starve first.
First time to eat SOS was in the AF and I liked it!
Liver as a kid. Still can't stand it. I really dislike brussel sprouts. I have tried them doctored up every which way and still don't like the bitter little critters. I slice them up in a salad and like them uncooked.
Not a big fan of brussel sprouts but will eat them from time to time.
There are foods that always have to be accompanied by something else to make them palatable.
Broccoli. Spinach. Cauliflower. Cabbage.
Every one of those, for me, has to have something else with it to make it edible.
Not a big fan of cabbage but eat it from time to time but broccoli, spinach, cauliflower along with green peas and carrots happens quite often and usually in the same bowl for breakfast lol
You're half Portugese?? Well, now I see where the fieriness comes from LOL
Actually, I'm pretty mellow these days but many years ago I was a hot head!
Somehow, the bald gene skipped Cranky.
Every Portuguese guy I’ve known was bald or heading that way when I knew him.
My mom was the one that was 100% and my dad is a Heinz 57 and except for a receding hairline, he had a full head of hair at 77. Mine is doing the same thing but so far it's not bad with no male pattern baldness (crown of the scalp). Now even the women on my mom's side were going bald!! The only brother my mom had died at an early age. My mom's family was totally opposite of my dad's family. My mom had a ton of sisters and one brother and dad had a ton of brothers and one sister.
Love it on pizza with Canadian bacon. Love it on Bratwurst. You can't have a Ruben without it. Plus it is good for you.
I like my pizza fully loaded except for those yucky tiny fish....
I was at a car club meeting and some dude put mayonnaise on his hot dog.
Depending on how the hot dog is cooked depends on what I dress it with. Grille a couple and try it with different stuff on it. Tarter sauce even and combine them all.....mustard, mayo, ketchup etc. :D
Been to Portugal a few times. Winged it, fantastic food, people and everything. Didn’t know what pato was until the waitress flapped her arms.
Never been but wouldn't mind going to the Azores.....that's where my grandparents on my mom's side came from. They were born in Sao Miguel, Azores.
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